Monday, August 1, 2011

From Crayons to Cotton

A walk through the grocery store tells me it is "Back to School" time.  Being a former teacher, I don't really need a reminder.  My brain automatically does a do-over in August.  Something related to Pavlov, I am sure.

I always loved opening a brand new box of Crayolas.  Still do, as a matter of fact.  My eyes simply savor the colors, the combinations, the possibilities. 

My return from the Holmes County Fabric Show has resulted in a new box of crayons for me.  I've traded my Crayolas for luscious cotton fabric!  I savor the colors, the combinations, the possibilities.  To play off of Dr. Seuss, "Oh, The Quilts I Can Make!"

I will have pictures soon.  Stay tuned!

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